Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What more can I do ?

I am very confident in saying, there is a long way to go before people really see the need to change the way we treat this planet, slowly but surely we are chipping away at the very fiber that sustains us, Mother Earth. I want to create dialogue among everyone to see how we can change some habits and really contribute to protecting our environment. As I approach the end of this leg of the journey, I would like to leave you with some real scenes that may assist you in thinking about what you can do to be a part of the solution.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day !

How did you spend Earth Day? Did you plant something, recycle or conserve energy? I spent my day like I've done for the last week riding the highways of America with my husband and we've learned so much. When we are not sure, we look it up and educate ourselves some more. On this day I talked to people about sustainability until I am Green (excuse the pun). I vowed today that I will reach out and share with everyone I met the need for us to take a look around and see what efforts we could put forward to sustain the natural environment and contribute to the preservation of the planet.

Question: What happened to the wild plum trees, grapevines and my favorite the salty dog plants?

Think about some of the environmental things from your childhood and see what you come up with and let's seek the answers together. Praise to the Mother Earth, we are not worthy of your love.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I found Green in the mountains of Pennsylvania

Wind power is used in the nothern part of the state, the mountains allows for effective use of wind turbines to produce energy.

Efforts are paying off to protect the ecological balance in the Susquehana River. School students are taught effective measures in preserving the natural ecological systems.

The roadways in Pennsylvania are litter free
and that makes for a beautiful Sunday afternoon drive in the mountains going to Williamsport.

Eco-Road Trip Photo - Arkansas

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Are you a good steward of the planet Mother Earth ?

I've been traveling across the country on a Tractor Trailer 18 wheeler with my husband (Danny) since April 13, 2010, I am working with my partner, friend and the founder of Sustainable 1000 Eco-Road Trip, Shane Snipes.

When I agreed to go on this journey, it was with great turpitude, I could not imagine what it would be like sleeping on the truck, taking a shower in public places and trying to maintain my healthy diet, however, I am still hanging in here for the sake of educating me and you about what is sustainable and the impact on our environment.

I hope you read my last post on Agribusiness in the Delta (Mississippi and Arkansas), that was disheartening to see.

We continued on our journey through one maze of truck stops after the other, bathroom breaks, a quick bite here and there. One day it dawned on me as I cleaned off the truck for the 20 millionth time that day, where are the recycle bins ? I had placed all recycle items in a bag to dispose at the next stop. Imagine my response when I asked "where to place the items for recycling?", pardon me ,you said "you ain't got nothing like that here !" Then it hit me, how are we really reaching the masses, the people that go to work everyday in the factories that we are hauling freight to and from, they are the glue that holds it all together in a good and bad economy. Like the farmers were years ago, they are the new stewards of the land (Mother Earth) .

How are we going to approach them and recruit them to join the efforts to create sustainable
practices, what will we say about placing recycle bins at truck stops, where millions of bags of trash with recyclable items are sent to the landfills everyday. Truck Stops are a multi-million dollar operation, shouldn't they be held accountable for not providing the opportunity for those that would, could and should recycle.

How will blue collars turn green, how can we advocate being better stewards of the planet. As we approach the 40th anniversary of earth day, we should list ways we can become a dedicated steward, we must respect the earth, the provider of life. When we hurt the environment, we hurt someone else. List your ten ways to honor Mother Earth, share them with me on this blog. Stay Green!!!!

Where Did All The Agriculture Go

As I travel across the southern states with my husband on his 18 wheeler truck, I demand to know what happened to the farms, where families lived off the land and worked from sun up to sun down? Don't think me naive, I saw it coming the day I left my family farm for the big city, proclaiming, ain't no way in hell am I ever coming back to this toil. My husband and I share the same core values about hard work and family, we grew up together working on the farm. What we saw today amazed us. Do you know when was the 'culture dropped and business was added to agri ? The whole food chain was traumatized, diets changed and medical issues changed.

There we were in Osceolo, Arkansas looking in dismay at the technology used in farming and questioned, how many chemicals are they using ? Of course my husband is green, however with envy of the thought of tractors with CD players and a/c, the nerve of them to come up with this stuff now that he is no longer farming.

Don't get me wrong, I support buy local and American, it just saddens me that I may be only one of a few people that yearns for the days of working the land and tending gently to the food that was produced from callous, yet loving hands.

Follow me on my blog as I travel around the country expounding on " the shady side of green".

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Here Comes Ilene!

Sustainability 1000 and Ilene are coming to a city, town or hamlet near you. That’s right, a team of free thinking, green seeking and freewheeling people want you to share your ideas on sustainability and how we as a team can preserve our natural resources and boost the economy by going green.

Sustainable 1000 creates dialogue among everyday people that are working hard to sustain and preserve our precious asset the earth. Sustainability 1000 Eco Road Trip was created by Shane Snipes to reach out to small communities to create touching and thought provoking answers to green challenges. The Eco Road trip is designed to chronicle what America believes is sustainability.

Ilene is coming by plane, train, automobile and of course an 18 wheeler big rig! No matter where we go or how we arrive, all roads lead to green.

Check back here for her daily photos, videos, and blogs about her first trip - from Charleston SC to Arkansas!
